Sabtu, 30 April 2016

DIY Sewn Saying Decoration


Recipe For Life : pinch of fun, spoonful of laughter, cup of love, measure of kindness, mixed together with a bit of humour.

A good few months ago, maybe even a year, I was browsing on Dunelms website and came across this lovely saying simply sewn onto some fabric. It was really cute and simple so I saved the image of it in one of my folders, as a reminder to go to a store and pick it up. But I forget about it, until the other week whilst browsing through my folders on my laptop and cleaning them up a bit, I came across it. But instead of checking whether they still stock the item, I decided to have a go at making it myself - I was in the mood for doing some sewing. 

So I rummaged through my mums sewing box and found some spare fabric, spent a good 15 minutes deciding on the colours of thread and got to work. It really isnt a difficult DIY to do! The hardest part for me was trying to put it in the frame without the fabric all wrinkling (I didnt do to bad - I hope). But once you get into the rhythm with the sewing pattern, its so relaxing to sit back with a good film or TV show on and just sew away.

You Will Need:

  • A picture frame
  • Fabric (enough to fit the measurements of the picture frame)
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Needle 
  • Extra decorations such as buttons
  • Needle thread (it doesnt effect the DIY if you dont have one, it just makes threading the needle so much quicker and easier)


1. Measure the dimensions of your picture frame, then draw them out on the fabric - adding on an extra 1-2 cm.

2. Next, write out the saying on a piece of paper in the way you want it to look so that you dont make any mistakes on the fabric. Then copy it onto the fabric.

3. Cut the piece of fabric out.

4. Begin sewing. I used a loop the loop pattern (shown above) - Feed the needle threw the fabric (you want to make sure the knot in the thread will always be on the back of the fabric), then backtrack and thread the needle threw to the back, next bring the needle back threw but further along then were it came threw last time, then repeat by going to the point you last came threw.

5. Sew on any decorations, frame it and hang it and you are done!

I find I cant just sit and watch TV, I need to be doing something with my hands - so sewing is the perfect thing. Do you enjoy sewing?

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